Pagramantis Regional Park
Pagramantis Regional Park is located between Tauragė and Šilalė and includes the watersheds of the Jūra and Akmena rivers together with forests, mounds and valleys. On purpose to relax from everyday worries, tensions, you will feel peace and joy in a vivid recess of Žemaitija that is the Pagramantis Regional Park.
The park has nine mounds. The Pagramantis and Indija mounds are the most impressive and the most viewed by the visitors. Indija mound with a forecastle are in the territory of the municipality of Šilalė district near the Indija village, in a valley on the right bank of the Akmena in the Pagramantis Regional Park. Formerly the mound was on the left bank of the Akmena, in Grubliai village. Only after a change of the riverbed, it found itself on the right bank, and a significant proportion was washed. The southwest edge remained; there can be discerned only residues of a levee, defensive moat and yard in the southwest edge.
The impressive Pagramantis mound of the classical forms commanding over the whole village near the mouth of the Gramancia takes back the oldest times of Pagramantis. Pagramantis town looks like a bird’s eye view when mounted up the mound. The mound stands on the left Akmena and the right Gramančia banks, at their confluence. Slopes are sharp, 20 m in height.
Having move a bit further away from the mound to the North West we will see the beautiful Pagramantis outcrop. Height of the outcrop is 29-31 meters and a length is 203 meters along the river. Two of natural forces: the river flow on the meander and gravity because of it the sediments of the slope constantly flow, crawl, turn down, which have taken joint actions made the precipitous slopes. The ice age cut is a value of escarpment of the Akmena Valley. It is as a book of the ice ages, with pages made of moraine sandy loam, sand, silt and clay coat, that were left by glaciers which covered Lithuania hundreds years ago.
We will meet some beautiful outcrops on the wide meanders of the river Jūra, it is the escarpments of the Alanga, Jociai and Geniai. Geniai escarpment is the highest in the valleys of the Jūra river. It is on the right bank of the Jūra, near a grange of Geniai, on an impressive meander of the river, on the northern outskirts of the forest Tyreliai. Its height from 24 to 25 meters, and length is 160 meters along the river.
The Akmena empties into the Jūra River if we drove further from the town. The confluence of the Akmena and the Jūra is one of the most important landscape values of the Pagramantis Regional Park. The confluence of the Akmena and the Jūra and their valleys meet the eye when having a look from a high slope.
At the confluence we can go down the stairs and admire these beautiful views, explore the differences between the rivers, to have a look at the surrounding vegetation. And all this is natural beauty of nature, which is worth to see for anyone, to take a look at the surrounding beauty around us.
The Big shoal of the Akmena is the impressive location and honeypot of the visitors. It is a stony spillway of the river. The main boulder covers the area around 0.33 ha in the riverbed
Cognitive – training hiking paths lately are becoming increasingly important for educational, ecological activities. The main advantage of the cognitive pedestrian paths is that the visitors get more detailed informationabout the natural and cultural heritage mounting the paths. To that end, four cognitive footpaths were made in the Pagramantis Regional Park as follow: Plynoji aukštapelkė, Lylava Hydrographic Reserve, landscape of Akmena reserve and Dabrupis.
The impressive valleys of the Jūra and Akmena, the mounds and outcrops, cognitive paths and other natural and cultural heritage of the Pagramantis Regional Park will leave the indelible impressions. Please visit our park and make sure that the natural treasures are the most expensive gifts.
Pagramantis regional park visitors center
Pagramantis, Tauragė distr. LT-73021, Lithuania
Tel: 8-446-44687
Faks: 8-446-44687
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