The Church of St. Peter and Paul in Old Zagare
The first church of St. Peter and Paul in Zagare was built approximately in 16th. M. Syrevicius was the founder. His wife Marijona gave some land for the church. That date is considered the foundation of the church. After the fire of 1712 it was rebuilt and A. Umiastauskis became the founder of the new church. In the church of the 19th century there were three altars. The church was built of bricks and dolomite. It is rectangle of a hall type and has three naves that are separated by two wooden pillars. The exterior of the church is of rather monumental Renaissance forms. Only the big altar is restaurated. The pulpit is traditionally fitted in the left side of the church. The choir for the organ is wooden, propped by two simple pillars on the stone pedestals.
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