Gintaro galerija „Kryžių kalnas“
Gintaro galerija įsikūrusi greta Aušros Vartų, XVII a. barokinio stiliaus pastate, iki XIX a. pradžios priklausiusiame didikų Oginskių šeimai. Pastatas dabartinį eksterjerą įgavo sujungus du XVII a. pabaigos namus. Interjere yra išlikusios sijomis perdengtos medinės lubos, tapyto ornamentinio frizo originalo fragmentai, lentų grindys, baltų koklių krosnis, taip pat išsaugotas autentiškas XVII a. rūsys su cilindriniu skliautu.
Gintaro galerija pristato nuolat besikeičiančias šiuolaikines juvelyrikos, skulptūros, tapybos, fotografijos parodas. Bendradarbiauja ne tik su Lietuvos, bet ir užsienio autoriais.
Galerijoje nuolat veikia trys ekspozicinės salės – vienoje iš jų pristatoma unikali autorinių darbų kolekcija sakraline tema. Kitos dvi erdvės - keičiamų parodų salės, čia nuolat eksponuojami vieno ar kelių Lietuvos bei kitų šalių žinomų menininkų darbai, kurie visada pasižymi savo originalumu.
Galerijoje taip pat eksponuojami vienetiniai papuošalai ir mažosios plastikos su gintaru darbai. Galerijos tikslas – gintarą priartinti prie šiuolaikinio žmogaus gyvenimo stiliaus ir ritmo. Papuošalai ekstravagantiškiems, orginaliems, kitokių gintaro papuošalų beieškantiems žmonėms. Galerija taip pat bendradarbiauja su autoriais, kurie nuolat papildo papuošalų iš sidabro ir aukso kolekcijas, stebindami juvelyrikos dizaino sprendimais.
Gintaro galerija „Kryžių kalnas“
Aušros Vartų g. 17, Vilnius
Tel. 8-5 2125791
El. paštas
Darbo laikas: 06-08 I-VII 10.00-19.00
Artimiausi objektai
- Specializuotas žuvies patiekalų restoranas Vilniaus Rotušėje (~0.3 km)
- Jaunimo Nakvynės Namai (JNN) FORTUNA – tai nebrangi nakvynė Vilniaus senamiesčio pakraštyje. (~0.4 km)
- Penktus metus lounge baras „Blusynė“ džiugina savo nuolatinius lankytojus ir Savičiaus gatvės praeivius. Atnaujintas baras, praplėstas… (~0.4 km)
- Apartamentų nuoma Vilniuje (~0.5 km)
- (~0.5 km)
- Legendinis restoranas „Lokys“ – vienas seniausiai Vilniuje veikiančių restoranų, garsėjantis skalsiais žvėrienos patiekalais ir gotikiniais… (~0.6 km)
- VšĮ „Gydymas judesiu“ rūpinasi savo klientų sveikata, fiziniu aktyvumu, skausmo gydymu bei prevencija. (~0.6 km)
- Kavinė Pas mus kvepia kava. Kviečiame stabtelėt, atsipūsti minutėlei ir pasimėgauti kvapnios puikios kavos puodeliu, tokios kaip Jūs… (~0.6 km)
- Verslo klasės 3 žvaigždučių viešbutis Vilniaus senamiestyje, išrinktas svetingiausiu Vilniaus mažuoju viešbučiu 2011 (~0.7 km)
- Mes siūlome 12 skoningu namų stiliumi įrengtų kambarių su medinėmis grindimis, palydovine televizija, telefonu ir bevieliu internetu. (~0.8 km)
- (~0.8 km)
- Pačioje Vilniaus senamiesčio širdyje įsikūrusiame restorane „AULA“ galėsite ne tik paragauti tradicinės lietuviškos virtuvės patiekalų,… (~0.8 km)
- Avdij taksi (~0.8 km)
- Restoranas SORRENTO – tikras itališkas kampelis Vilniuje. (~0.8 km)
- Taverna, vyno kampas ir alaus baras „VŠopenas“ pavadinta Vilhelmo Šopeno, turtingo pirmos gildijos Vilniaus pirklio, garbei, kuris 1860… (~0.8 km)
- Senajame Užupyje, bene romantiškiausioje Vilniaus dalyje, esantys „Paupio namai“ – tai ideali vieta apsistoti sostinės svečiams.… (~0.9 km)
Suteikiu paskolas visiems norintiems labai palankiomis sąlygomis
(~0.9 km)- (~0.9 km)
Norite sužinoti, kaip gauti paskolą internetu, susisiekite su manimi
(~0.9 km)- (~1 km)
Artimiausios lankytinos vietos
- Lietuvos žemes puldinėjant totoriams bei šlyjant santykiams su Rusija, Lietuvos didysis kunigaikštis Aleksandras 1503 m. suteikė…(~0.1 km)
- Vilniaus Aukštutinės ir Žemutinės pilių teritorija nuo seno buvo gerai įtvirtinta. Tačiau miestas augo, plėtėsi jo teritorija ir…(~0.3 km)
- Seniausia Rotušė (minima 1432 m.) stovėjo ten kur ir dabar. Joje buvo įrengti posėdžių kambariai, teismo salės, pirklių bendruomenės…(~0.4 km)
- Geležinkelių muziejus kviečia apsilankyti visus, norinčius susipažinti su Lietuvos geležinkelių istorija ir dabartimi.(~0.5 km)
- UAB „Šokolado namai" – viena iš nedaugelio Lietuvoje veikiančių įmonių, savo ceche gaminančių aukščiausios kokybės tikrąjį šokoladą…(~0.8 km)
- UAB “Vilniaus kalviai” įkurta 1993 metais. 2004 metais prisijungė prie dailiųjų amatų, etnografinių verslų ir mugių programos, ko…(~0.8 km)
- Lietuvos nepriklausomybės Signatarų namai – istorijos ir architektūros paminklas, kuriame 1918 m. vasario 16 d. buvo pasirašytas…(~0.8 km)
- Vilniaus senamiestyje Šv. arkangelo Mykolo bažnyčioje 2009 m. įsikūrė Bažnytinio paveldo muziejus. (~0.9 km)
- Gintaro muziejus-galerija įkurta XVII a. barokinio stiliaus pastate, kuriame susikryžiavo šešių amžių erdvės ir kontūrai. Barokinis…(~0.9 km)
- Baltijos gintaro meno centre galima pamatyti originaliai ir meniškai pateiktą Baltijos gintaro susidarymo istoriją...(~0.9 km)
- XIV amžiuje pirmasis Vilniaus vyskupas Andrius Vasila pastatė rūmus, kuriuos vėliau puošė, perstatinėjo ir plėtė jau kiti šeimininkai.…(~0.9 km)
- Tai vėlyvojo baroko bažnyčia su puošniomis rokoko stiliaus dekoracijomis, pastatyta 1625 – 1743m. Pasižymi plastiškais fasadais,…(~0.9 km)
Vilniaus Šv. Stanislovo ir šv. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika
Vilniaus Šv. Stanislovo ir šv. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika pastatyta pačiame miesto…(~1.2 km)- Pilies kalnas, apsuptas upių, buvo patogi vieta piliai statyti ir didesnei gyvenvietei kurtis. Kaip rodo archeologiniai tyrinėjimai,…(~1.3 km)
- Modernus, pačiame Vilniaus centre įsikūręs muziejus, Pinigų muziejus supažindina lankytojus su pasaulio pinigų ir bankininkystės…(~1.3 km)
- Naujasis arsenalas – vienas seniausių Vilniaus pilių komplekso statinių. Archeologiniai…(~1.4 km)
- Remiantis archeologiniais tyrinėjimais manoma, kad šioje vietoje pilies arsenalas stovėjo jau XV a., Lietuvos didžiųjų kunigaikščių…(~1.5 km)
- Pasieniečių muziejus įsikūręs Vilniuje esančiame Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų…(~1.9 km)
Vilniaus Universiteto teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos instituto planetariumas
Kviečiame visus regėti, pažinti, atrasti Žemę ir Visatą Planetariume – vieninteliame mūsų…(~2.1 km)- Lituanistikos židinys – tai Lietuvių kalbos instituto padalinys, kurio uždavinys yra patrauklia ir šiuolaikiška forma perteikti…(~2.5 km)
CONTACT THEM FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOBs. They offer professional hacking services like;
-University grades changing
-Bank accounts hack
-Erase criminal records hack
-Facebook hack
-Twitters hack
-email accounts hack
-Grade Changes hack
Email- prowizardgilbertrecovery(@), WhatsApp number: (+1) 541- (240) 9985
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There is a special hardware designated for mining bitcoin called ASIC [Application-Specific Integrated Circuit Chip] which mines bitcoin faster and requires less energy but very costly and complex to develop ASICs as mining devices.
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I will Forever be grateful to Recovery Masters and always recommend them when it comes to recovery of any type, of btc/Crypto Recovery they are certified experts in any form of hacking..They saved me from losing 1.3Btc to a fraudulent Investment company,The online imposters had fooled me and made fake promises of endless profits I would make with their company little did I know that I was being scammed by this online trolls.After I made some reports to the cops but they could not help out,I made my own research and learnt of this Recovery Expertise Recovery masters who helped me recover all my funds
and even some bonuses and even gave me maximum online security from fraudsters phishing links hack.Contact them through their;Whatsapp +1(204)819-5505
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i am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Adoda helped me to fix my relationship. i was heartbroken when my fiancee told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because he was having an affair with the other woman where he work. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Adoda, then i contacted him for help to get my lover back, he helped me cast a powerful (reconciliation love spell) and to my greatest surprise after 48 hours of doing the love spell my Fiancee came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now happily married and all thanks goes to Dr Adoda Wonders for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr Adoda through his email address: or WHATSAPP him on+2348112825421
i am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Adoda helped me to fix my relationship. i was heartbroken when my fiancee told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because he was having an affair with the other woman where he work. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Adoda, then i contacted him for help to get my lover back, he helped me cast a powerful (reconciliation love spell) and to my greatest surprise after 48 hours of doing the love spell my Fiancee came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now happily married and all thanks goes to Dr Adoda Wonders for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr Adoda through his email address: or WHATSAPP him on+2348112825421
You can also contact them for the service below
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I had lost over $900,000 to a fake broker and I lost hope of ever making profit through binary trading. After the loss, I had a long research on how to recover the lost funds, I came across Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services a Specialized Crypto Recovery Expert who helped Scam Victims recover their Lost Funds. After submitting my case the expert worked on my case and all my funds were recovered back. If you suspect your Credit card, email, password, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, accounts has been hacked, you need to Recover stolen money from scammers by any means of transfers: PayPal Transfer, Venmo Transfer, CashApp Transfer, Bank Transfer, Western Union Transfer, MoneyGram Transfer, Ria Transfer, Worldremit Transfer e.t.c also you can recover your lost crypto wallet address. Report the incident to Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services. they can also help you recover your lost crypto by providing an experience team of security experts and forensic investigators who can investigate the loss, identify the source of the compromise, Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services will help you retrieve your stolen Funds, in addition, Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services can provide you with educational materials for staying safe online and give you access to cutting-edge cyber threat intelligence. They can also identify potential security breaches or vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss of your information. Contact Hacker Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services Email: {OR}
WHATS-APP : (+1 720 625 0393)
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I finally came to my redemption as the work and hand of God came upon my life led me to see comments about Refundd Polici on google search about their successful stolen crypto and lost funds recovery rates so it gave me a glimpse of hope. I resorted to seeking assistance from them and it proved positive and fruitful. It was a smooth experience for me as they patiently guided me through the recovery phases using the information i provided about my stolen bitcoin experience including the screenshots and wallet address.
I hope this helps if you ever find yourself or family member in this kind of situation and please don't feel ashamed for whatever reason to seek for assistance in regards to your sad experience and mistake that caused you to lose money on the internet.
You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery Service through these channels
Whatsapp; +1 (972) 998-2755
Telegram; @Refunddpolici
Email; Refunddpolici AT Gmail. com
WhatsApp: +1 (440) 7423096
Gmail :Cyberspacehackpro(@)rescueteam. com
WhatsApp: +1 (440) 7423096
Reach out to them if you ever find yourself in similar bad situation i found myself months ago.
Cyberspace hack pro is a specialized tech team that you'll want to have on your side when you find yourself in a dire situation of having lost access to your valuable bitcoin holdings. As the digital world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the risks and threats associated with cryptocurrency storage and management have also grown increasingly complex. That's where Cyberspace hack pro comes in - this elite team of cybersecurity experts, blockchain analysts, and digital forensics investigators have honed their skills to tackle even the most challenging cases of lost or stolen bitcoins. Drawing on their deep technical knowledge and cutting-edge investigative techniques, the Cyberspace hack pro team can meticulously trace the digital trail, identify points of vulnerability, and work tirelessly to recover your missing crypto assets. Whether you fell victim to a sophisticated hacking attack, lost your private keys, or were the target of a malicious scam, Cyberspace hack pro has the resources and resolve to get to the bottom of what happened and take the necessary steps to restore your access and ownership. Their collaborative, client-focused approach means they'll keep you informed every step of the way, providing regular updates and consulting you on the best recovery strategies. With Cyberspace hack pro in your corner, you can have peace of mind knowing your lost bitcoins are in the hands of the industry's foremost experts, dedicated to doing whatever it takes to get your digital fortune back. Send a message to Cyberspace hack pro via:
Gmail: Cyberspacehackpro(@)rescueteam. com
WhatsApp: +1 (631) 428-0567
Cyberspace hack pro is a specialized tech team that you'll want to have on your side when you find yourself in a dire situation of having lost access to your valuable bitcoin holdings. As the digital world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the risks and threats associated with cryptocurrency storage and management have also grown increasingly complex. That's where Cyberspace hack pro comes in - this elite team of cybersecurity experts, blockchain analysts, and digital forensics investigators have honed their skills to tackle even the most challenging cases of lost or stolen bitcoins. Drawing on their deep technical knowledge and cutting-edge investigative techniques, the Cyberspace hack pro team can meticulously trace the digital trail, identify points of vulnerability, and work tirelessly to recover your missing crypto assets. Whether you fell victim to a sophisticated hacking attack, lost your private keys, or were the target of a malicious scam, Cyberspace hack pro has the resources and resolve to get to the bottom of what happened and take the necessary steps to restore your access and ownership. Their collaborative, client-focused approach means they'll keep you informed every step of the way, providing regular updates and consulting you on the best recovery strategies. With Cyberspace hack pro in your corner, you can have peace of mind knowing your lost bitcoins are in the hands of the industry's foremost experts, dedicated to doing whatever it takes to get your digital fortune back. Send a message to Cyberspace hack pro via:
Gmail: Cyberspacehackpro(@)rescueteam. com
WhatsApp: +1 (631) 428-0567
This happened to me recently someone got my wallet hacked and my BTC was stolen, I contacted 2 tech but they took my money.This might had Happened To you or IF anyone or someone you know has been scammed, it is crucial to notify the proper authorities as soon as possible to help to recover lost funds and to prevent others from being victimized. Just After many trials , I Hired SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST They Investigated,Track and traced it back to the wallet where my BTC went through. I thought that was the end but fortunately for me, I got it back real quick with the help of ( He is legit and very diligent with his work. Hire their service & Thank me late
Telegram: SacluxComptechTeam
I made an initial investment of roughly $380,000 on a binary option platform. After several transactions, I chose to withdraw my money because according to the website I had made a lot of profits, however the withdrawal was unsuccessful. I made several attempts in contacting them but it all failed. I made every effort and filed a report to recover my money by contacting the police department in charge of investigating fraudulent situations, but nothing was successful. Since my attempt with the police failed, I tried other possible means to make sure I recover my stolen crypto coin. I reached out to a hacker whose reviews I had read online; GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY, I contacted them through their email on: kbhacktools(AT)outlook(DOC)com and they came in handy at the right time. They rescued me from these shady investment schemes with the help of their top-notch hacking technique. I got my funds back as well as my peace of mind. If you need a reliable tech expert to help you recover all the money lost to internet scams, then I will advise you contact GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY with their details below;
Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640
I invested 9,000 euros, and when my account balance reached 20,000 euros, I decided to withdraw my money. Unfortunately, I encountered persistent problems and was unable to complete the withdrawal process successfully.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to stop investment scams. Please remain vigilant and cautious. After months of back and forth regarding my withdrawal, I finally found help and resolved all my concerns. ASSET RECOVER NET stepped in and helped me withdraw my assets.
For those experiencing similar problems with crooked investment platforms, I recommend searching for Asset Recover Net. They have proven to be reliable and committed to solving problems of this kind. I got my money back within two days of submitting all the necessary details to them.
Contact Asset Recover Net:
WHATSAPP +1(504) 302-3464
Email :
TELEGRAM AssetRecoverNet
Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20
Many experienced cryptocurrency users have fallen victim to bitcoin scams, either through intentional or inadvertent transfers. However, keep in mind that any type of loss of cryptocurrency can be reversed and recovered, and that if you report the loss to the appropriate party, you can also quickly receive your money back.I highly recommend The Hack Angels.
I recently found myself in a situation whereby I had to spy on my girlfriend. This was a tough call, but the writing was on the wall. I had to research far and wide until I came across the Maestro Encrypter Financier—professional phone hackers who promised to help me spy on her phone discreetly. First of all, the whole idea sounded very skeptical to me, but then the positive reviews and testimonials of the customers satisfied with their service were convincing enough to give them a go. Their process was really smooth. From the moment I made my first contact, customer service was just brilliant. They were very attentive to my needs, walking me patiently through each and every step. And of course, they assured me of their discretion and the legality of their services. This is big for me. They also had a variety of options concerning contention in different scenarios, hence putting either across their experience or professionalism in the area. The hacking process was amazing. Within a couple of hours, after forwarding the details, I accessed her phone. It felt like I had a VIP pass to her digital life: now I am able to read all her messages and her call logs, know where she is, and get access to her social media. All this detail was unbelievable; it was so easy to navigate through the user-friendly dashboard. But the best thing about it—the service is totally undetectable. She was totally unaware of compromising her privacy, an element very important to my peace of mind and the integrity of our relationship if everything turned out to be some big misunderstanding. What actually amazed me was the kind of information I received. It was accurate, timely, and full. The team of Maestro Encrypter Financier could work around all the security features on her phone, from its two-factor authentication feature to the encryption itself. Everything seemed to play out before my very eyes as though it had to be, and it was enough for an informed decision regarding the way forward of our relationship. My experience with Maestro Encrypter Financier was simply fantastic. They availed me of all the tools and information necessary to pursue my suspicions to a tee. Quick, secure, and above all, very discreet. I would definitely recommend them to any person in a similar situation and frustrated at unraveling the truth without any unnecessary shocks or confrontations. Truly maestros in digital espionage. Reach out to them through WhatsApp number: +14722038937 . Email: maestroencrypter @ financier . com
I recently found myself in a situation whereby I had to spy on my girlfriend. This was a tough call, but the writing was on the wall. I had to research far and wide until I came across the Maestro Encrypter Financier—professional phone hackers who promised to help me spy on her phone discreetly. First of all, the whole idea sounded very skeptical to me, but then the positive reviews and testimonials of the customers satisfied with their service were convincing enough to give them a go. Their process was really smooth. From the moment I made my first contact, customer service was just brilliant. They were very attentive to my needs, walking me patiently through each and every step. And of course, they assured me of their discretion and the legality of their services. This is big for me. They also had a variety of options concerning contention in different scenarios, hence putting either across their experience or professionalism in the area. The hacking process was amazing. Within a couple of hours, after forwarding the details, I accessed her phone. It felt like I had a VIP pass to her digital life: now I am able to read all her messages and her call logs, know where she is, and get access to her social media. All this detail was unbelievable; it was so easy to navigate through the user-friendly dashboard. But the best thing about it—the service is totally undetectable. She was totally unaware of compromising her privacy, an element very important to my peace of mind and the integrity of our relationship if everything turned out to be some big misunderstanding. What actually amazed me was the kind of information I received. It was accurate, timely, and full. The team of Maestro Encrypter Financier could work around all the security features on her phone, from its two-factor authentication feature to the encryption itself. Everything seemed to play out before my very eyes as though it had to be, and it was enough for an informed decision regarding the way forward of our relationship. My experience with Maestro Encrypter Financier was simply fantastic. They availed me of all the tools and information necessary to pursue my suspicions to a tee. Quick, secure, and above all, very discreet. I would definitely recommend them to any person in a similar situation and frustrated at unraveling the truth without any unnecessary shocks or confrontations. Truly maestros in digital espionage. Reach out to them through WhatsApp number: +14722038937 . Email: maestroencrypter @ financier . com
Falling victim to a Bitcoin investment scam was one of the most devastating experiences of my life. Losing $145,000 left me feeling hopeless and uncertain if I’d ever see that money again. In my search for a solution, I found NetGuard Network Asset Recovery, a company known for helping people recover funds lost to cryptocurrency scams.
From the moment I reached out to them, The team at NetGuard was really compassionate and incredibly professional, They carefully reviewed my case and got to work immediately. Within a few days, they had not only recovered my lost $145,000 but due to the rise in Bitcoin's value, my recovered funds had grown to $374,000. I was beyond grateful and honestly stunned by how quickly and effectively they worked.
NetGuard Network gave me a lifeline when I thought all hope was lost. Their professionalism and excellent communication throughout the process made a difficult situation much easier to handle. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. I’m confident they can help you too.
You can visit their website or get in touch with them through these channels
WhatsApp: +1 (913) 218-6208
Several weeks ago I had the unfortunate experience of losing 256,400 USDT, which was a huge blow. Thankfully, I came across The Hack Angels, who were able to recover every last bit of it. Their approach was professional and thorough, guiding me through each step of the recovery process with clear communication and expert knowledge. I was amazed at how effectively they were able to retrieve my lost funds.
In case you're facing a similar issue, I highly recommend The Hack Angels. They turned what felt like a hopeless situation into a success, and I can't thank them enough for their help. (Web:
Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com ,Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20
Three months ago I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who later refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea if I would be able to recover it.
I was able to get my money back after consulting The Hack Angels who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, They are highly skilled experts and I would really like to thank them for their services.
You can get in touch with Them using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guidelines to recover your stolen funds.
Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com , Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20
Jivo chat
Retrieving lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a handful of professional hackers. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Instead, it’s best to seek out a trusted hacker like The Hack Angels who can help you recover your funds. They were able to recover $355k worth of BTC that I had lost to bitcoin mining. To get in touch with The Hack Angels, you can contact them through (Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20 ) ,
Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com
WhatsApp: +1 (659) 217 - 9239
Email: Cyberspacehackpro(@)
Because of their established track record, dependable and effective services, and emphasis on customer satisfaction, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is the greatest hacker for recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With years of experience and competence, the team has assisted many consumers in getting their money back. In the quick-paced world of cryptocurrencies, the team's ability to promptly retrieve funds is also vital. here is there contact information incase you are in need of a legit hacker.
EMAIL ADDRESS.... optimistichackergaius @
Because of their established track record, dependable and effective services, and emphasis on customer satisfaction, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is the greatest hacker for recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With years of experience and competence, the team has assisted many consumers in getting their money back. In the quick-paced world of cryptocurrencies, the team's ability to promptly retrieve funds is also vital. here is there contact information incase you are in need of a legit hacker.
EMAIL ADDRESS.... optimistichackergaius @
Because of their established track record, dependable and effective services, and emphasis on customer satisfaction, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is the greatest hacker for recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With years of experience and competence, the team has assisted many consumers in getting their money back. In the quick-paced world of cryptocurrencies, the team's ability to promptly retrieve funds is also vital. here is there contact information incase you are in need of a legit hacker.
EMAIL ADDRESS.... optimistichackergaius @
I had an amazing experience with The Hack Angels. I had given up hope, but they managed to recover my bitcoins from an online scammer. I was able to retrieve what I had thought was lost forever because of their knowledge and commitment. I heartily endorse the services of The Hack Angels to anyone in need of help recovering cryptocurrency. They really are authorities in their domain. (Web:
Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20 ) , Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com
Telegram Username: @Sentryvantagehacker OR +1 (812) (227) (7438)
Contact them via email:
Telegram Username: @Sentryvantagehacker OR +1 (812) (227) (7438)