Open Air Museum of Lithuania

2 L. Lekavičiaus str., LT-56337 Rumšiškės, Kaišiadorys dist., Lithuania

Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejus

Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejus

Duonos kepimas Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejuje

Oninės Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejuje

Žvakių liejimas Rumšiškėse

Open Air Museum of Lithuania is a unique and one of the largest (195 ha) open-air ethnographic museums in Europe. It has the biggest quantity of exhibits (183 buildings and over 86 000 mobile exhibits). The museum presents the mode of life, works, and traditions of peasants and townspeople of all Lithuanian ethnographic areas: Dzūkija, Aukštaitija, Suvalkija, Žemaitija and Lithuania Minor. It was established in 1966, in Rumšiškės on a picturesque coast of Kaunas Lagoon. There are fragments of the villages, authentic farms, century-old buildings with flower gardens, orchards and vegetable gardens, with crosses and wooden roofed poles, technical facilities - mills, forges, a fulling-mill and oil-mill lining along 7 km circular route, meandering between forests, meadows and hills.
In the centre of the museum there is a fragment of a township with its typical buildings, where pots are shaped, amber and wood works are done and weaving process of linen is presented.
The painful past of Lithuanian history is reminded in the sector of Deportation and Resistance. The guided tours, educational programs, calendar feasts, folk group concerts are being organized in the museum.

Secure parking lot
Souvenir shop
Craftsmen workshops
Tavern and tearoom
Ethno cultural book store
Bikes for rent

The museum is situated near the highway A1/E85, Vilnius – Kaunas, 25 km from Kaunas,79 km from Vilnius.
The most comfortable access by your own transport.
From a bus stop “Rumšiškės” on a highway A1/E85 it is about 1.8 km to the main entrance of the museum.
All minibuses from Kaunas to “Rumšiškės” are available.
From a train station “Pravieniškės” it is 6 km to the main entrance of the museum.
Sunday ship goes from Kaunas Lagoon pier near Pažaislis. Contacts by telephone: +370 68600829.

L. Lekavičiaus g. 2, LT-56337 Rumšiškės,
Kaišiadorių r., Lithuania
Director: +370 604 11765,
Information office: +370 687 07137,
Events: +370 687 67237,
Fax: +370 346 47120


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