The Church of Saint Anthony of Padua

31 Birutės st., LT-59217 Birštonas, Lithuania

The Church of Saint Anthony of Padua

The stone Church of Birštonas was designed by famous architect Vaclovas Michnevičius in 1900s. In 1909, the Church was sanctified by the title  of St. Anthony of Padua.  The church is of neo-gothic style with tall tower. The interior is of three naves, floor is of stone slabs - mosaic-type.  The central altar of the church contains the painting of the "Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Mercy of the Gate of Dawn" (author Stanislovas Gobiata) and the painting "Saint Joseph with the Infant" on the left altar is supposed to be from the XVIIIth century wooden church.  The feast of St. Anthony of Padua, the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Blessed Virgin Mary, and Mother of Mercy are celebrated, and concerts of sacral music are given in the church nowadays.

Church service:
I, V, VI 9.00
II-VII 18.00 
Reflections on the Stations of the Cross 17.15
VII: Votive Mass 10.00
      Sunday Mass 12.00

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john washko 2015-03-20 01:13
Is this the (parish of Gizai) under the diocese of Vilkaviskis in Lithuania?

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