Kintai - resort village near Kursiai sea. Kintai is surrounded by beautiful pine-forest (600 ha) - Kintai forest. The church was built in 1705 when it was transferred from Vente to Kintai. Churches baroque altar is decorated with local craftsmen cut boards. Creatively cut wind boards, transit traditionally decorated each house of the fisherman. Their silhouettes ware repeated in tombstone baptism, and in fishing vessel weathercocks. There lived a fishing inspector of English merchant origin, Vilhelmas Berbomas, which in 1844 brought the marking of vessels in there weathercocks. Such decorative and unique weathercocks haven’t been seen elsewhere in Europe. In Kintai in 1888, Vydūnas the future Lithuanian philosopher, writer was working as a teacher (1868-1953 y.). In the old schools building there was established Vydūnas Cultural Center. Next to it there was established a museum, art gallery and children’s school of arts. Kintai - Vente coast has become a likeable place of the artist for their landscape paintings. Near Kintai, at Minija river there is the Lithuanian Venice - Minija (Mingė) village, where people who lives on both sides of the river can only keep in touch by the boats.
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